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How can Carewise help care providers?


Carewise is a care funding scheme providing people in West Sussex with information and advice on paying for long-term care fees  - whether that's in their own home or in a residential or nursing home.

Working in partnership with the Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA), Age UK West Sussex, Brighton and Hove and West Sussex Partners in CareWest Sussex County Council introduced Carewise to ensure people have access to support and guidance on how to pay for their care. The scheme has an approved panel of care fees specialists who are all members of SOLLA and are able to offer expert advice on a range of areas that affect people in later life such as care fees planning, power of attorney, wills and inheritance tax.

By getting advice before they make a decision, people will be confident they have explored all their options and have chosen the most cost-effective way to pay for their care, for as long as it’s needed. Speaking to Carewise can not only provide peace of mind for your residents or customers, but also for you as a business owner, knowing that your care fees will be paid without the worry of people running out of money.

Organise a Carewise care planning surgery

Some of the care homes in West Sussex already run regular care planning surgeries for their residents and relatives to hear from a care fees specialist about Carewise, as well as issues around powers of attorney and public guardianship.

If you would like to organise a care planning surgery in your home, please email

Sharing information about Carewise

To request copies of the Carewise information pack for your prospective residents and customers, please email your request, together with your name and address to

You can also view the Carewise information booklet online.

Would you like to know the length of time a prospective customer can afford to pay for their care?

Find out how an affordability check can do just that.

Last updated: 30 April 2024