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Lasting Power of Attorney


What is a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)?

An LPA allows an individual (the donor) to choose someone else to deal with third parties, such as banks or the local council, on their behalf, should they be unable to do so in the future.

If you would like a relative or friend to help you organise long-term care and make decisions on your behalf, you will need to appoint them as an LPA.

If an LPA isn’t agreed in advance of when it’s needed, it can lead to complications and delays. For example, if you require care in a residential home but are not able to take decisions for yourself. For this reason, it’s best to think about organising an LPA while the person concerned still has mental capacity (can make their own decisions).

Further information

For more information, visit our Power of Attorney section. 

Last updated: 30 April 2024