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Will the NHS pay for my care?


NHS funding

There are two different types of funding from the NHS – NHS Continuing Healthcare funding (CHC) and NHS funded Nursing Care (FNC).

NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC)

NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is a package of care that the NHS arranges and pays for. It is available for the relatively small number of people who are assessed as having high level ongoing health needs who meet the criteria set by the Department of Health. It is not based on any particular diagnosis or condition.

CHC pays for care which can be provided for people living in their own home, in a care or nursing home, or a specialist health setting.

CHC does not pay for services such as chiropody, reflexology, or hairdressing, or for you to stay in a room that is bigger than you need.

Further information

For more information about the CHC assessment process, visit the West Sussex Continuing Healthcare Team webpages.

You can also visit the NHS Continuing Healthcare website.

Or phone the CHC helpdesk on 01903 708609.


NHS funded Nursing Care (FNC)

If you are not eligible for CHC, but you are assessed as requiring nursing care in a care home, you may still be able to  receive NHS funded Nursing Care (FNC).

This is a weekly contribution towards the cost of care by a registered nurse in a residential or nursing care home.

You will receive FNC if you are:

  • moving into, or are already a resident in a care home that is registered to provide nursing care, and
  • assessed as needing the services of a registered nurse.

For more information, you can access the NHS website and follow their written advice.

Last updated: 30 April 2024