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Will the County Council pay for my care?


Financial help towards your care home fees?

West Sussex County Council may provide financial help towards the cost of care in a residential or nursing home if you meet the following criteria:

 - you have been assessed as having care needs which are eligible for council-funded support

- you have £23,250 or less in savings and investments (not including the value of your main or only home) and

- they have agreed that the best way to meet your needs is in a residential or nursing home.

You will need to fill in a financial assessment form to find out if you are entitled to any financial help.

You may still need to pay a contribution towards the cost of your care. This will be based on how much you are able to pay.

Further information

Visit the West Sussex County Council website and go to the Paying for residential care section. You can also view the information booklet 'Choosing and paying towards care in a residential or nursing home' on the adults' social care publication page.

Alternatively contact the Council's Adults' Services.

Phone: 01243 642121

NGT Text Relay: 18001 01243 642121 (Helps people with speech and hearing difficulties to communicate. Available as a downloadable app for computer tablets and smartphones.)

Last updated: 30 April 2024